My COVID-19 Inspired New Year's Resolution
“Someday I, I won't have to feel the cold
But I do now, so I'll know
What it feels like when I feel fire, fire”
I am the type of person who tends to roll with the punches, flow with the tide and enjoy the journey. Dealing with life during the Pandemic, has been the same. Other than the obvious, pain, death, heartache, economic, and illness related consequences that affected everyone, I felt the best way to deal with it all, was to give into it, wait out life as “usual” and make the best of the worst. I took it in stride, made adjustments and moved forward.
Covid-19 gave me more time for introspection, catch up on Netflix, content pare down my life and contents, and learn Italian. Okay, I didn’t learn Italian, although I did try a few times.
I followed the science and common sense and helped protect others; I wore a mask, kept six feet distance, limited indoor gatherings all together, and sanitized everything I could.
What the pandemic did accomplish, was simply amp up our lives as we know them. It amplified the good and the bad behaviors, encouraged conspiracy theories to flourish, helped people already full of fear look for someone else to blame, showed how really vulnerable we are in case you didn’t already realize that, brought out the best and worst within us (as catastrophes usually do), and offer a smaller percentage of the more enlightened among us an accelerated start toward a life worth living.
Yes, some of us used the pandemic as a great excuse to get rid of what wasn’t working and move toward what can. Many of us moved closer toward our dreams and goals of where we wanted to live, who we wanted to be with, and what we wanted to do with our lives. Some of us took major turns and huge leaps and gave up everything they knew for a brand new life. I believe that is the silver lining of it. Covid-19 opened a window into our limits, tolerations, unfulfilled destiny and dreams, and accelerated the clock toward making change.
I too made a number of personal changes, as I suspect many of you did as well. I decided to limit my tolerations and the amount of people in my life who aren’t ready to step up for what’s “right” or who live only for themselves and don’t think of others. I gave up the selfish narcissists who never ask another person if they are in need or offer help without being asked first (something I personally really resent).
I have further committed not to give up on “love”, although it is harder not to be so cynical after seeing politicians and leaders show such a lack of leadership, while also watching some of my fellow citizens look to hate and blame others for their fears either realized or imaginary.
I have always followed my dreams and lived exactly how I wanted and now, once again in good covid-19 form, I am making changes in my life. As I assess what is working and what is not, I find myself with my pandemic question; “what do I want to do next”?
Since that question is still a work in progress, I focused on the “where “. My next “career” move will have to include the flexibility to be able to live where I want when I want. This realization will determine what I “do”.
I believe you have to create your reality. Nothing can really happen to move you closer to your dream life until you insist on living it.
That is my Covid-19 affected year’s New Year’s Resolution. As we have seen firsthand, we may not have a lifetime to figure it out. We don’t know when the end is coming. Life can change on a dime and is out of our control at times and we don’t know what the next catastrophe will be or when.
I have reached an age where it’s now or never anyway. I am at a point in my life where there is more behind me than in front. I am fine with that and comfortable in my own skin, wiser than I was, been there, and done that.
I move forward once again to live my best life and help as many people as I can live theirs.
What’s your Coivd-19 resolution? What does the best version of your life you like? Write it down, think about it and then get to living it .. “time’s a wasting “