dedicated to the 45+ and over woman seeking a vital and exceptional life without compromise…
Balance is the 360 degree holistic approach to life over 45. Wellness done with a sense of style and luxury.
A real person’s guide to self actualization and fulfillment, a full and comprehensive road map both inside and out toward a more healthful, happier lifestyle. Decrease stress and inflammation, improve mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.
Life is filled with an array of events and emotions and we can’t become fixated on always being happy. Life doesn’t work that way. There are moments of stress, anger, irony, temptation, courage, loss, sadness, stress, patience, kindness, empathy .. ok well, you get the picture, so let’s stop over using words like blessed and gratitude as magic bullets or curating our social media like our own P.R. firm to pretend things are just perfect.
None of that will bring us the peace, joy, love and happiness we want… it’s harder than that, it takes real work, balancing work and play, adding more fun, tuning in to our larger environment, opening up, and navigating the physical and emotional landscape in a more healthful and mindful way.
So let’s move forward and learn how to create the life we want, a life that mitigates the dark and down times and learn real skills for coping and dealing with them when they come.. because they always do, Let’s learn how to maximize the great, good and fun times. Let’s focus on coping with stress, finding our happy place, and become our best self…it’s doable and it’s time..
BALANCE will feature holistic lifestyle wellness events with topics to aid you on this journey … spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically ..
BALANCE will provide information, lectures, live streaming, live events, workouts, products, services, seminars, retreats, and advice to make the most of our lives … check our calendar for the next one .. and .. join us!