Where is Fitness Headed?
Where are we Headed?
Where are we headed
Our Bodies,, Mind .. Soul ..
It's no secret that wellness is the new "Black". We are evolving as an industry and population and awakening to the facts that our health and well being are just as important as our body and profile. Stress and inflamation, lifestyle diseases, poor nutrition, lack of sleep, anxiety, and burn out are growing out of control. Our environment is under constant assault as is the food we buy and consume. Myths and misconceptions abound limiting people's ability to make healthy and educated decisions. F.I.G. takes a hard look and will provide carefully researched and vetted information, education and programs to aid us in providing a more holistic and sustainable model of wellness and fitness for us and our clients.
The next wave is coming and it is a more gentler and understanding approach to healing and building our bodies, mind, and soul. We want happier and healthier lives but we need the proper information and tools to make it happen. Meditation, recovery, stretching and flexibility, mindfulness and joy are all essential components along with proper and healthful nutrition and exercise. There has never been more variety and choice for this to happen. We intend to lead this wave like a world champion surfer!